Category: Meditation / Relaxation
Length: 20 Minutes
Lyrics: Michael Ingraham
Narrator: Michael Ingraham
Between Breaths is a relaxation Meditation with brain entrainment music so it should never be listened to when driving, operating equipment, etc.
How To Use
1) This meditation is designed to put you into a deep state of relaxation while at the same time honing your visualization skills.
2) The more you practice Between Breaths and the better you get at visualization, the more profound your experience will be inside the pause between your breaths.
3) It’s recommended that you make yourself as comfortable as possible for this relaxation meditation.
4) Headphones are REQUIRED.
Between Breaths Meditation
Between Breaths Meditation
Script is not exactly the same as the meditation.
Welcome beautiful soul.
I’d like to take you on a journey to the pause between your breaths.
It’s a place we can discover things like power of healing and the magic of intuition
To begin, let’s get comfortable.
It might be better for this meditation to lie down so you can go deep into a state of rejuvenating relaxation.
Go ahead and close your eyes…relax and focus on my voice…
Feeling relaxed and calm.
Give yourself permission to release all your worries…
….all your tension………leaving your body…. leaving your mind…
Release all the tension in your legs…
Release all the tension in your arms…
And especially, release all the tension in your neck…
Feeling relaxed and calm…
Take a breath in through your nose……
…and out through your mouth…
Again, in….
…aaaaaand out… releasing all the tension…
Follow the air in through your nose…out through your mouth…
Feel how heavy your body is getting, how peaceful it is…how relaxed…
Feel how good it feels.
Spend a few moments now seeing how relaxed you can get and I’ll rejoin you shortly.
Now let’s go into the pause between our breaths…
On one of your upcoming out breaths, as the last bit of air leaves your body don’t breathe in ……just pause your breath and experience this place for a few seconds.
Don’t hold your breath, when you feel the urge, take a nice, slow breath in…
And on the next exhale, do the same thing….just experiencing the pause between your breaths.
Go ahead and keep doing this while I explain our next step…
On an upcoming exhale, as soon as you pause your breath, imagine yourself, the I Am, releasing from your body and floating out into this pause….the Universal Consciousness.
At the end of each exhale imagine floating deeper and deeper into the pause.
Feel yourself floating….
Going deeper…
Pause your breath only as long as it’s comfortable and then use your next exhale to go even deeper.
Practice now following your breath and then floating out with each exhale into the pause…
See how deep you can go….
Time to come back traveler.
I’m going to count backwards from 5
5 – Feel how great your body feels
4 – Feel how relaxed you feel
3 – Feeling more awake
2 – Feeling refreshed
1 – Feeling great
Welcome back traveler.
I hope you had an amazing experience.
Remember the more you practice this meditation the easier it will be to enter the pause between your breaths and the deeper you will go
Thank you for coming along with me on our journey I hope we can travel together again soon.
Wishing you love, happiness and prosperity,