Doing Much Being Much

by AudioTEACH | Motitations / Inspiration

Lyrics: Christian Larson and Michael Ingraham
Music: David Fesliyan
Narrator: Michael Ingraham

Doing Much Being Much


Humans are designed to move.

We live to move forward.

To move forward is to live more.

To move more is to be more and do more; and it is the being in doing that constitutes the path to happiness.

The more you are and the more you do, the richer your life, the greater your joy.

But being and doing must always live together as one.

Trying to BE much without trying to DO much, will create a disingenuous, meaningless and empty life.

To try and DO much but not try to BE much, will create a wearisome life too colorless and tiresome to bear.

The being of much gives the necessary inspiration and the necessary power to the doing of much.

The doing of much gives the necessary expression to the being of much.

And it is this, that bringing forth of being through the act of doing that produces happiness.

Being much gives capacity for doing much.

Doing much expresses the richest and the best that is within us.

And the more we increase the richness of that which is within us, the more we increase our happiness and the secret of this may be found by those of us who live to move forward.